Nannie Berry Backpack Program


The backpack program is ongoing all year and is designed to meet the needs of hungry children and their younger siblings at times when other resources are not available, such as weekends and school vacations. 


Items collected for the backpack program include:


  1. Shelf-stable milk boxes (same size as juice boxes). They come in white, chocolate, and strawberry.
  2. Chef Boyardee individual entrees (small cup size is a MUST)
  3. Individual plastic cups of green bean or carrots (found only at Wal-mart)... please NO peas or corn.
  4. Breakfast items:  Quaker oatmeal bars, Nutri-Grain bars, Trail Mix bars, Quaker Chewy bars


Due to an increased number of kids this year and the limited storage space, our greatest need would be Kroger gift cards or money so we can buy in bulk tax free.