Is God leading you to the mission field?

Want an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of some of the neediest people in the world?

BBC is planning a trip next year to work at Casa Para Niños Aleluya, an orphanage in Guatemala City. Start praying now about whether you are going to be a part of this mission team!

Trip Details:

Date TBD

Casa Para Niños Aleluya, Guatemala City

Participants must be at least 18 years old and able to handle the emotional toll of orphan care.

Cost (estimated): $1,000 per person (airfare, lodging, meals, and transportation in Guatemala)

Vaccines recommended:

Hepatitis A and B – A vaccine called twinrix contains both and costs approximately $325 for a 3-shot series.

Typhoid- Cost is approximately $80.

There is a clinic in Nashville that is volunteer-based that meets once per month to provide vaccines for people going on mission trips. We may be able to get more affordable vaccines through this organization. 

Passport Required:

You will need a valid US passport to travel to Guatemala. This can take up to 3 months from date of application to receive, so apply early. Cost is typically $135.

How to sign up:

Contact Teresa Mann at  or 824-0001.